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That Time I went Viral on TikTok

One of the top ten things you can say to me that will make my blood run cold is: "Remember that time you went viral on TikTok"? Having a substantial social media platform was one of the many fever dream-esque things to have happened during quarantine and I often forget all about it! 

With nothing else to do due to the pandemic, I turned to TikTok for an outlet of creative expression. I animated small videos, participated in viral trends, made a few jokes, and found a new hobby of mine thanks to the algorithm: making miniatures. A video of someone's completed miniature kit from Amazon landed on my for you page one fateful day and one $50 purchase, 100k+ followers, and over 2.5 million likes later, I ended up being "TikTok famous" (and gained some traction on Instagram) practically overnight.

Realizing that I could take things to the next level by reaching out to the company that manufacturers these miniature kits, I began my partnership with the craft company Rolife. With my coupon code, my followers could get a percentage off of their purchase and I would receive a portion of the profits. Additionally, the company sent me product to use in my videos and review, which felt unreal.

Though I have since taken a break from social media since the spotlight got to be too much, I cannot believe the impact TikTok made on my quarantine and life. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to build a large online platform and will utilize the video editing, social media management, and branding skills that I obtained from it for the rest of my career. 

If you enjoy stalking me, check out @starrydoodle on TikTok and Instagram for some of my top notch content 

(though here are some of my favorite videos):

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