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Everyone has their quirks—yours just happens to smell. Nobody needs to know that.


Target: Adults 18+ who, from time to time, have odors from a variety of sources that they don't know how to get rid of.

Single Most Important Thing to Say: No matter the source, there's no odor Arm & Hammer Baking Soda can't get rid of.


Copywriter: Sophie Signorelli  

Arm & Hammer Campaign

Arm and Hammer will host a scent-free petting zoo at an apartment located in the heart of a busy city, like New York or Chicago. Visitors will spend time with furry friends while learning that Arm and Hammer can cover up their smelliest quirks...even if theirs is raising chickens in a 1 bed 1 bathroom apartment.


This is a safe scent space.

Got a gnarly sourdough starter that you grew in 2020 and is still going strong? Do you make perfume that supposedly smells like Harry Styles' sweat?

Across Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, users will be encouraged to share their niche, smelly hobbies under the branded hashtag #NoShameInSmells. 

Social: "No Shame in Smells"

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